Hi, let me introduce our Kikuyu Turf.
Classic Seller!
Kikuyu is a warm-season turf variety that prefers temperatures in the 15 to 25 degrees Celsius range making it ideal for most parts of the Country. During winter months, Kikuyu will become dormant, and will stop growing when exposed to frost.
The best growing conditions for Kikuyu are fertile, light to medium textured soils with moderate drainage and salinity levels.
These grasses also tolerate a wide range of soil conditions and are very drought tolerant thanks to Kikuyu turf’s prostrate runners and excellent growth rate.
Over all Kikuyu grass is one of the hardiest, good looking, cost-effective and lighter green colour grasses on the market.

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Kikuyu Turf

Shade Tolerance


Water Requirements

Wear Tolerance

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3. Congratulations!
Now, let's get your new turf delivered /installed.
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These grasses also tolerate a wide range of soil conditions and are very drought tolerant thanks to Kikuyu turf’s prostrate runners and excellent growth rate.
Many homeowners also prefer Kikuyu because of its dense, bright green soft leaf which stays green longer in winter.
Most Kikuyu grasses do spread easily onto paths and invade garden areas so must be regularly maintained.

Characteristics of Kikuyu Grass
Wear Tolerance
Kikuyu grass has excellent wear tolerance and a quick recovery rate due to its large prostrate runners and vigorous rhizomes which give it a strong deep rooted base. For kids and pets which slip and slide all over your lawn, Kikuyu grass is one of the toughest varieties to cope with high activity in your backyard and is quick to repair from wear and tear.
Drought Tolerance
Kikuyu grass has a high drought tolerance thanks to its large prostrate runners and excellent growth rate.
These large prostrate runners also allow Kikuyu grass to actively seek soil moisture and establish a lot quicker than other lawn types – two to three weeks.
Medium Leaf and Winter Colour
Many homeowners prefer Kikuyu grass due to its dense, bright green soft leaf which gives the lawn an elegant, uniform appearance.
One of the many traits that homeowners love about Kikuyu grass is its ability to stay green for longer during the winter.
With a little extra love through applying fertiliser during winter, the green colour of your Kikuyu grass will be the envy of your neighbours.
Poor Shade Tolerance
Kikuyu grasses are a sun-loving variety, and as such, are not recommended for gardens that are heavily shaded. Your Kikuyu lawn will require at least 5-6 hours of sunlight each day to thrive.